What was I thinking?
Do you ever wonder, “what was I thinking?”
You want to know.
You want to understand.
You want to not do it again.
But, it is a hard question.
It’s a question that is answered best by, “I wasn’t thinking.”
It’s the only answer that makes sense.
It’s not your thinking; it’s your limiting pattern.
Our limiting patterns speak & do things for us until we heal them.
Keep making the “wrong” decision?
Maybe your limiting pattern is comfortable & safe there.
Keep avoiding & shutting out something/someone that could be really awesome?
Maybe your limiting pattern is too scared to be vulnerable & get hurt.
Keep being hurt & betrayed in relationships?
Maybe your limiting pattern is searching for a connection with people that overstep their bounds.
Keep feeling stress & anxiety?
Maybe your limiting pattern is really crying out & trying to tell you that something’s wrong.
A reframe on “what was I thinking” could be, “how do I understand myself better?” or “what lesson am I learning?”
The opportunity for us to heal our limiting patterns is an opportunity for us to see our lives differently.
The opportunity for us to heal our emotional blocks is an opportunity for us to want better.
To dream.
To desire.
To love ourselves deeply & bathe in self-kindness & self-love.
Healing our emotional blocks takes repetition, consistency, outside support, & just a little ounce of courage (because you know it’s the limiting patterns that keep us stuck).
In safe support, you heal.
Alone, you repeat the cycle.
I want this for you. You have to want it too.
In big love,