Feeling weighed down
My relationship with love feels open & expansive, not scary & lonely.
I love it when I feel my heart beating with anticipation & excitement.
I love myself, even more, when I look back on the path I’ve walked to create this loving relationship.
I know now that love never leaves me.
It is a fire inside of me that dims & rages, yes, but it’s always with me in expansion, compassion, & kindness.
I don’t feel weighed down by love anymore because the amount of self-love I have cultivated within myself has opened my heart to be deeply loved my others.
I feel love in a secure way now.
Not in a scared or fearful way.
Not in an unappreciated or unrecognized way.
But in a way that I know it’s there & that I am whole no matter what.
Not too shabby for a girl that lived in stress mode all the time because she felt so damn lonely & unseen.
What if I told you that you can have the romantic relationship or intimate relationships AND feel whole?
You can.
This is what healing your limiting patterns looks like.
Expansion like this was really a gift to my soul.
It was a gift to my highest self.
It was a gift to my divine potential.
It can be yours too.
And although you may be stuck in this pattern of anxiety, & worry, & un-love, that pattern can be healed.
Healing is not only less stress & overwhelm, but more self-love & self-worth.
More alignment.
More romance that feels just right.
More agency in doing what’s right for you.
There is something you can do today, right now.
It’s not alone anymore.
Support gets you the love that you’ve always wanted.
I see you.
In big love,