Healing is self-love actualized.
If you’ve been in the personal growth world for a minute you’ve probably heard this phrase tossed around: “In order for someone to love you, you have to love yourself.”
It’s often presented with different ideas on how to have more self-love or different affirmations we should say in the mirror every morning.
But, what if on a deep level, receiving love doesn’t feel safe?
What if the “love” that you’ve received in the past has been harmful?
If so, you’re not going to be able to just snap your fingers and start feeling more self-love & start communicating your feelings without being triggered or shutting down.
Healing our emotional wounds teaches us that love is safe.
Without that step, everything that you try will be blocked.
Then frustration.
Then overwhelm.
Then shame.
Then blame.
Then victim.
Self-love comes with understanding yourself & loving all parts of you —— outside & in ——— & that’s healing.
Love & connection is your purpose, when you unblock & start loving yourself, then the partnerships & relationships of your dreams are attracted to you.
Your essence is love; it’s just sitting inside of you waiting to feel safe & to be unleashed.
Healing emotional wounds only happens with safe support.
Loving yourself in community heals.
You are worth it.
In big love,