Our depths

We can only receive deep love when we deeply love ourselves.
When we have cleared our blocks & pain.
When we can feel safe in our own body, mind, & heart.

If the healthy love triangle of body, mind, & heart aren’t on the same page, life gets confusing & the relationships (love relationships, friendships, families, jobs) are very confusing too.

Poor communication within this trinity on the inside of us manifests in poor communication about our needs, wants, & desires on the outside of us.

Our energies are confused & conflicted which leads to deep miscommunication within our deep selves.

Feeling unheard in our relationships becomes normal to us.

It’s a good reason why our attachment styles will show up & make us feel worse.

An anxious response stays angry & wants to fight for love.
An avoidant response retracts & avoids love because it hurts too much.

Most of us have different variances of anxious & avoidant throughout the day or in different situations.

All of them feel wrong.
All of them feel disconnected.

What if healing those attachment responses was just a process of learning to love yourself?
What if you could heal those responses so that you can have the true & connected love that you desire?

Hey love, you can.

The healthy trinity are confused, but they want to be on the same page.

Your nervous system can learn to be safe & seek safe relationships.
Your brain can be rewired so that you travel the pathways of love, not fear.
Your mind can be reprogrammed to understand what’s good for you & what’s bad for you.

Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you think.
It only takes one ounce of courage to ask a guide to help you heal.

No one heals alone.
You didn’t get here alone.
Take my hand & I’ll help pull you towards deep love.

That’s all it takes.
Here for you.

In big love,

Lilli Bewley