
Hey love,

When have you felt really unsafe in your life?
Was it in your childhood?
Was it in your last relationship?
Was it in your Self?

I know what that feels like.

Feeling unsafe in relationships feels like a never-ending battle for love.
Feeling unsafe in relationships feels like you have to keep doing more & more to get it.
Feeling unsafe in relationships feels like a rock in your gut.
Feeling unsafe in relationships feels like a nervous energy that never stops.

The disconnection you feel from your Self & the un-love you feel in your heart hurts. You want to be back to you, you really do.

I get it.

Sometimes you feel deep love for yourself when you have a heart to heart with someone close to you.
Sometimes you feel deep love for yourself when you give yourself a chance to tune in to yourself.
Sometimes you feel deep love for yourself when you learn a little snippet of why your unhealthy patterns are popping up.

Those glimpses of self-love feel really healing but then, life hits you fast & you’re back to your old ways & don’t know what to do.

I see you.

The thing is, there are parts of your wounded self that are trying to protect you from harm.
These parts of you have been protecting you for decades.

Don’t those parts feel so familiar?

When we are physically safe, right now, those parts stay activated because they don’t know any better; this has been their training.
But today, they keep us from the deep love & the deep relationships within all facets of our lives.

Healing those parts & training them to know they are safe today IS the definition of healing.
Training them in your body, mind, & soul is easy when you have people around you only dedicated to that purpose.

Why? Because those parts need to know that people CAN BE SAFE & because they need to know that opening up space for you to be ONLY you is not scary, but divine.

I believe that’s your purpose.
Your relationships can fulfill your life’s purpose.

Do you feel your deep truth?

In big love,

Lilli Bewley