Slowing down will come eventually
The energy expended…
The kids…
The family…
The job…
The self-maintenance…
The money…
Energy, overwhelm, anxiety, fear, & constant transition - it’s screaming at us.
We are quick to anger.
We are quick to forgive others but not ourselves.
We are quick to react.
We are quick to take the blame.
Slowing down is inevitable.
It’s going to happen one way or the other.
It’s going to happen by our bodies giving up in exhaustion or panic attacks.
It’s going to happen by flare-ups in the form of the body attacking itself (autoimmune).
It’s going to happen by rare responses in the body.
We push down or push aside our need to slow down.
We get distracted by the responses & forget about the root cause.
Slowing down is a subjective thing.
My slowing down is different than your slowing down, but giving ourselves the space to do so is the same.
Learning how to slow down is about boundaries, too, because where you are putting your energy now may be misaligned.
Boundaries come from knowing where you begin & where the energy output you are putting out there begins.
YOU are not your kids.
YOU are not your family.
YOU are not your job.
YOU are not the money.
YOU are not even the “something wrong with you.”
YOU are a beautiful human being that may need new alignment.
Learning how to slow down is not as easy as dropping into depression & disconnection for days or weeks…it is a process of healing.
It is your journey into self-love & growth.
And the more that you can give that to yourself BEFORE your body spins out of control, the better off you will be.
You will slow down eventually.
Do you want it to be on your terms?
The greatest act of self-love you can give yourself is to heal the part of you that thinks it has to be everything to everyone & nothing to yourself.
When you do that, your life becomes easier, more manageable, & less complicated.
You are worth it.
I promise.
In big love,