
Greetings Magnificent Souls to the Attract Health Build Wealth Podcast where we have open and honest discussions about ourselves. 

This is a place where we breakdown, breakaway, and breakthrough codependency allowing ourselves to attract health, build wealth and live a peaceful life.

We are tired of being sick and tired. We are tired, but we are not giving up. We KNOW that there is something magnificent inside of us.

Because we are fighting daily, hourly, and by the minute: fighting ourselves, our kids, our spouses, we have to do things differently. 

We have to break the cycle. We don’t have a million chances. We have to be happy, NOW. We have to find a way. So how do we do that? How is that possible?

If you look around at what society is telling you, they’d tell you that what we’re doing is impossible. 

Yet, it’s happening. 




It’s happening through the practice and love that we call Awakening the Magnificent Soul.

We are all Magnificent Souls, and these are our stories of healing!

Today on Episode 54, I am talking about trust. This is something that I picked up on from a listener’s entry into the Epiphany Vault, which I will share as well. Trust is a foundational element of connection with ourselves and connection with others so, I want to dive in a little deeper today.

But, before we get into the discussion, don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this episode, any feedback you have or anything you would like me to cover on future podcasts at Remember, it is a safe place and I would welcome the discussion.

One announcement before we get into the show is that my Codependent to Connected 1:1 Coaching Program is now open for enrollment and is closing September 21st. I only have a limited number of spots. If you feel called to work deeply, to connect to yourself, and drop your codependence and live a peaceful life, all it takes is getting on a 45-minute complimentary Discovery Call with me. We will talk about the program and I would love to answer any questions you may have. I will add the link to set up the call and I so look forward to meeting you and discussing how we are going to get to the best you possible.

Today’s topic on trust stemmed from a listener by the name of Megan’s entry into the Epiphany Vault. 

She gave me permission to share with you all, so here’s what she writes:

“In order to be free to move forward in life without fear of loneliness, I must start by trusting myself financially and emotionally.”

Megan, first of all, I really want to thank you for this entry and for being a huge part of the show by sharing this with me and with the listener’s out there.

This is such a massive statement and such an inspiring epiphany, so thank you.

So much so, that I thought I’d dedicate a whole episode on it today.

Megan, you bring up such a great point. You must trust yourself.

I don’t know about you, Megan, but I know what it feels like to not trust. I know what it feels like to not trust everything and everyone in my life, including myself.

It feels disconnected and it feels lonely.

There are a few elements of trust I want to look at a little more closely today and that is trust with others, trust with the world around us (like God or like the Universe), and, then, trust with ourselves.

First, the foundation.

Trust is so important in almost everything in life.

There is no connection without trust.

There is no abundance without trust.

There is no manifesting without trust.

Trust is safety.

The hard thing, though, if we are in our codependent patterns and behaviors, is that trust is hard to come by. With others, with the larger universe, and with ourselves.

We feel unsafe IN ALL THINGS.

Megan says it so eloquently, that in order to be free…we have to trust.

No truer words have been said.

For without trust, we are locked in a cage.

We are restricted. Held down.

Cut off, or numb.

I will say it again, there is no connection without trust. 

So, if we look at trust from the perspective of other people in our lives, trust may be really hard to find.

If we are following our codependent behaviors and patterns, trust probably isn’t something that we are experiencing. 

When we are talking about trust and relationships, of course, we can talk about unfaithfulness and lying which I will skip because I think that’s a given.

I’m skipping because I think these are surface-level manifestations codependency.

I’m skipping because I’d rather get to the nitty-gritty part of this element which is, yes, there may be unfaithfulness and lying, and yes this may diminish your trust within your relationships, but I think the main betrayal with trust is that the other person takes advantage of your vulnerability.

In order to trust, you must be vulnerable.

In order to trust, you must be connected.

And vice versa.

When these things aren’t aligned, you feel off-balance, unseen, unheard, and unloved. 

All of these things make it really really really hard to trust and love yourself….more on that in a second.

Here’s something that I’ve just really really really come into alignment with in the last couple of months, and that is my trust in the universe. My transformation has been even deeper in the last couple of months because I have really been coming into my calling as a Coach. 

I have created a support network to aid me in that calling and all of my hopes and dreams have been manifesting before my eyes. Quite literally. I will be doing a social media post soon on what my vision board looked like 3 years ago and what it looks like today. The difference is stark, the feeling is completely different and I can honestly say that I am living my best life ever. 

And, for me, that is giving some things over to the universe (or God, or love, or creator, or divine spirit) and letting it do its work. 

That’s trust.

That trust that I have seen unfold before my eyes could only have aligned because I have learned to trust myself (more on that in second too). 

This is coming from a woman who was completely turned off from God because of the hypocrisy she saw in it all. This is coming from a woman who was only surviving by the will of her own strength. But, because I was able to remove these hate blocks (for lack of a better term) while working with my coach, which coincidentally, is what I do now in my coaching practice because I was able to remove these hate blocks, I was able to step into the world with open arms, with trust, with vulnerability.

And, what has that led me to? Trust in something greater, right here, in this very moment, it has led me to a place of deep surrender and trust.

My trust in that has transformed me into a lightning bolt of love, light, energy, truth, connection, understanding, and empathy that I am bringing to this world. All because of my gift.

All because I was able to let go of the fear and the shame surrounding my lack of trust in the Universe.

I was able to tap into what was really important to me, and that is helping people.

For you, and you may not know it yet, you may feel like you have something great bubbling up inside of you. I want to tell you that when you unblock this (and I am here to help you do this if you are called to work with me privately), your trust in the Universe will unfold.

Trust is connection.

The most important trust, the trust that you have to have FIRST before the other previously mentioned trust, is trust in yourself.

That’s why I felt Megan’s affirmation is so powerful.

Without trust in yourself, trust and vulnerability in God, in the Universe, etc., cannot exist.

Without trust in yourself, trust and vulnerability in others cannot exist. You can fake it, for sure, but real, true connected trust cannot exist.

I love what Megan says, too. Trust trumps fear, because trust is surrender. 

Trust is not weakness. 

Trust is power. 

Trust in ourselves is the hardest job we can do, because, likely, we are far away from our trust. 

So, how do we learn to trust ourselves when we haven’t trusted ourselves in a long time?

We have to reconnect.

We have to do the work on the body, on the mind, and on the soul.

We have to create an environment where self-trust can thrive.

Trust happens when we can listen to ourselves, without judgment. Listen, and be present. Listen, and hold space. 

Trust is not something that will come overnight, this is a gradual process that will connect you back to your true you. 

Start by listening, start by journaling, start by meditating. 

Those would be my top 3 suggestions, right away.

With these three things, you are giving yourself time, patience, love, and space, all of these things are needed to establish trust.

Beautiful Megan, thank you, again for writing in and listening to the podcast.

Thank you for listening today and if you’d like to chat more about one on one coaching, I look forward to hearing from you.

Livin & Lovin 💗


Lilli Bewley