When "self-help" causes more stuckness, you know it's your nervous system.
Have you ever felt like self-help books cause you to beat yourself up?
I’m raising my hand right now.
Don’t get me wrong, I think self-help books have a lot of value.
But, they can point to some painful things & sometimes not help you solve them.
That’s what happened to me when I hit a wall in my healing.
I could diagnose myself, my family, & my relationship, but I still couldn’t get rid of the unhealthy patterns that kept playing out.
I still felt stuck.
I still couldn’t seem to have the healthy relationship that I wanted.
I’m sure you’ve tried just as much as I did.
Tried self-love, affirmations, mantras, & positive self talk in the mirror.
If you are stuck, there is nothing wrong with you.
In fact, recent research is debunking the old myths about ways to get unstuck.
It is saying that just “letting things go” doesn’t work anymore.
It is saying that boundaries are all but impossible if your nervous system isn’t on board.
Your nervous system will tell you what is safe to do & what is unsafe to do even if your mind/brain disagrees.
That’s the definition of stuck.
Healing & understanding your nervous system helps you feel safe within yourself & manifests love in relationships.
The best version of yourself & the healthy relationship emerge as part of you & helps you bring your back to your true self.
In big love,