Are you ever going to heal?

Frustration with your healing journey is real.

Wondering if you’re ever going to be healed is real.

It’s human nature to want growth & development.

Biologically, our species would have died long ago if we hadn’t developed.

There is an innate need for us to want more, to want better, & to change things that may be broken.

Healing can be super anxiety-provoking when we can see & understand what we don’t want, but we can’t seem to get what we do want.

We may have tried books, podcasts, & even therapy (love therapy BTW), but still, seem like we are stuck.

Anxiety tells us that we have to be frustrated with ourselves for not being farther along.

Anxiety tells us that we have already done so much work & now we are back to square one.

Anxiety tells us that there is something wrong & we have to be hecka hard on ourselves.

Self-blame, self-hatred, & shame anyone?

My next level started when I reached just this breaking point.

When I felt VERY in my head. When I felt VERY disconnected from my self-love.

Why? Because I hadn’t healed my anxiety yet.

There was something deeper that I was feeling.

Something greater.

A small, teeny, tiny spark that was waiting to be ignited.

Healing that brought me out of my head & back to my true “self.”

A self-love that radiates & envelopes me.

A life that is unimaginably aligned.

An authenticity that cannot be quenched.

A drive to speak my truth.

Healing anxiety is less about the symptoms & more about what it means to you.

The best news? Anyone can do it.

The only question is when.

In this lifetime or the next?

The choice is always yours.

In big love,


Lilli Bewley