Control is a false sense of safety.

Are you tired of controlling how others feel or act?

I see you.
I know how tiring that is.

Walking on eggshells.
Trying to please.
Trying to make them happy.

For me, it was a road to stress, depression, & disconnection.

There is a better way.

It used to be that awareness was enough, that if you felt yourself doing these things then you would just stop.

All of the books I read, all of the podcasts I listened to, all of the IG posts I loved, & the therapy I attended seemed to LABEL me & put me in a box or a category.

But something was missing.

I still kept repeating self-defeating patterns.
I still would try to control.
I still would feel crappy.

Today, new healing has emerged that heals at the root.

No more thinking that it’s you because you “can’t stop” doing the things that are bad for you.

Instead, what we know is that it’s not you; it's your unhealed emotional trauma that needs healing.

When you heal at the root, you learn that you can’t control how others feel or act and that you can only control yourself.
You internalize this.

And it feels free & loving.
It helps you have a healthy relationship.

How connected do you feel to your inner & highest self?
Where is most of your life-force energy expended?
Are you open to receiving support to heal?

In big love,

P.S. If you have been looking for a way to get unstuck & have a healthy relationship, my calendar is open for a complimentary discovery call to see if the Align into Authenticity Program is the right fit for you. Tap to schedule. Are you ready to heal? I look forward to meeting you soon.

Lilli Bewley