Emotionally Numb
Let’s talk about feeling emotionally numb….
Did you know that numbness is a response to our internal state?
It’s a very astute & wise part of ourselves that protects us from emotional pain.
If we’ve had instances of emotional trauma that haven’t been processed, then our coping mechanism is to shut down so that we can’t feel at all.
The good news is that it really does protect us from pain & from fear.
The not-so-great news is that it holds us back from joy, love, & our authenticity.
This is coming from a woman who had been emotionally bankrupt from a young age, didn’t know the skills of communicating from a heartfelt & self-driven place, & felt disconnected from her “self” & the people around her.
Emotional numbness is a life without color.
Without joy.
Without connection.
Without intrinsic happiness.
Emotional numbness, even though it has protected us for the majority of our lives, acts as an inhibitor or blocker in our present-day when we WANT joy, connection, and romantic love.
It’s also why you are really quick to anger - I remember the days when I was so quick to only “see red.”
Emotional fluctuations, like anger, become our norm because we haven’t healed our emotional trauma yet.
Healing gently thaws out the barren, frozen ground of our hearts & our emotions.
Joy & love become emotional set points instead of anger & numbness.
Then, you can present yourself in a self-honoring & loving way all the while inviting the love, intimacy, & connection you are craving.
Emotional expression is our natural state of being.
We just have to heal our emotional trauma to get there.
I see you.
In big love,