Forgiving ourselves is hard
When was the last time you surrendered to where you are in your relationships right now?
To fully accept where you are & who you are with?
To step out of victim & into power?
When was the last time you were consciously with the deepest part of your being?
When was the last time you accessed your next step from a place of self-fulfillment?
Many of the fears we carry are based on our past transgressions.
I don’t want to hurt like that again.
I don’t want them to leave.
I don’t want to feel unseen, unheard, & unappreciated again.
So, we either close up really tight like a ball about to burst or we feel like we always have to be in their minds in order to feel loved.
Our relationships affect all of who we are.
They bring meaning to our lives & love to our hearts.
But, if they’ve been too painful in the past or we keep attracting the same type of unhealthy people, we judge ourselves and think it’s our fault.
We think we are bad.
We think we have a bad picker.
We think we are flawed.
Forgiving ourselves is hard.
Your picker isn’t off & you are not bad, you just have emotional wounds that need to heal.
That part of you that feels abandoned when they leave can be healed.
That’s the beautiful part of the journey.
The journey of coming back to yourself & of healing is so dope on the other side.
It’s an embodiment of love.
It’s coming back to aligned self.
It’s going back home.
Then you don’t feel so scattered & anxious.
Then you feel whole.
Then you feel warmth instead of panic.
Healing is for you.
All you have to do is want it.
In big love,