Turning on Intuition

It’s 100% normal to not trust our intuition because our experiences with intuition have felt vulnerable, scary, & not cherished or protected..

Our intuition gets conditioned out of us.
Set aside.

How many times have you felt a ‘No’ but decided on a ‘Yes’?
Or felt a 'Yes' but decided on a 'No'?
How did the first time feel?
How did the 2nd through 5th times feel?
How did the 6+ times feel?

More than likely it was a progression from hope that you’ll get it right next time to frustration to annoyance to numbness to disconnection or high walls.

It would make sense, then, why we think our intuition is “turned off.”
But, really it’s just a muscle that has weakened.

Fighting your intuition sometimes feels like an epic battle in the deep soul & the deep heart.

Fighting inside leads to procrastination.
Leads to self-judgment.
Leads to keeping or letting people in that aren’t good for us.

If you could know how to turn your intuition back on, would you?

You can.
It’s actually pretty easy but it takes time & courage.

Healing our emotional trauma does the trick.
Why? Our emotional trauma sometimes acts as a blocker, or protector, because of past pain.

You don’t have to revisit the past (don’t worry!), but you do have to reorient to the present.
That’s what healing emotional trauma in safe support does.

Trying to do this alone keeps you alone.

Your intuition is your uniqueness.
Your intuition is your authenticity.
Your intuition is your power.

Your intuition can help you have the limitless love that you want from yourself AND from that partner that you’ve always wanted.

That’s home.
That’s warmth.
That’s love.

This is for you if you want it.

In big love,

Lilli Bewley