I gave up on love.
Hey beautiful woman, you deserve love.
You deserve a partner who will cherish you.
You deserve someone who is welcoming, safe, supportive, genuine, protective, loving, confident, present, respectful, engaged, & vulnerable.
Here’s what I’ve thought before:
They don’t exist.
I don’t know how to love.
I gave up on love a long time ago.
I’m destined for bad relationships.
That happens to other people but not to me.
While I’m sure that you can find evidence for this to be true, what if there really was an alternative?
You see, our unhealed parts take the lead in relationships.
These are the parts that get trigged easily.
The parts that constantly require validation.
The parts that are scared that we are just going to be left alone.
The parts that feel underappreciated.
Our unhealed parts take the lead because our emotional trauma has not been healed yet.
Our deep insecurities breed deeply insecure relationships.
Doing this doesn’t happen alone though.
Alone is futile & keeps our hearts’ closed.
Safe support is where it’s at.
When you start to embody that it’s not too late, that you’re not broken, that love actually exists, & that you are more than deserving of it, your world literally starts to expand.
Your heart opens.
And instead of attracting from your unhealed parts, you attract from your open heart & still remain safe & whole.
The rose opens petal by petal.
That’s healing.
That’s our divine worth & our divine being.
We are all worth it.
In big love,