How codependency plays out
What will it take to realize that you’re not broken?
That you don’t need to be fixed?
That you are perfect in every way?
That you are resilient?
That everything that has happened to you is a part of you?
Hey love, I want you to know that I believe all of that.
I believe & see healing in you.
I don’t need to fix you because you are already whole.
I believe that you have everything you need to come into alignment & heal.
Only truths here love. And the real truth?
I know you don’t feel like this.
I know that this may be triggering because you feel broken, ashamed, & confused.
I know you may long for a day when you don’t feel like this anymore but being any other way is deathly terrifying.
I know you may wonder why it took so long to figure it out.
I stand with you in love, compassion, & understanding.
I gotchu.
I spent most of my life like this too.
Hey love, you make sense.
What you are going through makes sense.
Part of healing is ALLOWING that understanding, not fighting it.
Understanding comes in the mind when you can see how & why you came to be this way.
Understanding comes in the body when you can reconnect with it instead of feeling numb or disoriented.
Understanding comes in the soul when you learn to have as much love and compassion for YOURSELF as you do with others.
Understanding comes in the heart when leading with it feels powerful instead of scary.
That’s the other side.
That’s alignment.
That’s self-love.
When you heal the blocks & create that space energetically, the good shit enters.
It’s not magic, but it sure feels like it.
The secret sauce?
Alone doesn’t work, you’ve tried that for decades.
Insanity is trying the same thing again & again with the same result, my love.
Maybe it’s time?
In big love,