Love means fulfillment.

Have you ever felt like you were entangled in dysfunctional models of love?
Maybe wondering how you got there or how to have a healthy relationship?

It’s no secret that we all have trouble with relationships.

Most of us want deep & intimate connection but we feel frustrated, angry, & even more, disconnected when we try really hard & still can't seem to get it.

For some of us, it becomes a pattern at a young age to dim our light so that we can connect more with others.

As we get older, giving an inch became a mile until we don’t know who we are or what we want anymore.
And speaking up could mean rejection, alienation, &, at the worst, un-love.

The thing is, is that we try really hard.
We’ve done a great job of figuring out WHY we are the way we are but still can’t seem to make lasting changes.

Even though knowing why is valuable, it doesn’t get to the root of the behaviors & patterns that tell us that sacrifice means love.

Things are changing.
The science, practices, & my own personal experience is showing that it’s not really you that’s the issue; it’s the deeper unhealed emotional trauma.

Healing at the root helps you untangle yourself from the dysfunctional model of love you know and helps you find something truer & more enriching.

Love doesn’t mean sacrifice.

Were you praised for things, accomplishments, or outside beauty more than you were praised for being you?
Do you know why, but still don’t know how?

In big love,

P.S. If you are feeling stuck in having a healthy relationship, I invite you to set up a complimentary call at by clicking here to see if Align into Authenticity is the right fit for you. Are you ready to figure out what the missing link is to your intimacy? I look forward to meeting you soon; the program is closing on August 30th.

Lilli Bewley