Meeting your needs
Things that we need most in relationships, the basics: love, safety, belonging, & connectedness.
If all of these are in line, we feel calm, secure, safe, & serene.
If something’s off & we are still in this safe container, we can bring up what’s missing, talk about disconnection, & learn how to repair & or compromise & move forward.
If these basic needs aren’t met, we can feel lost.
We can feel resignation.
We can feel sadness.
We can feel like we have to control.
I always wondered why it was so hard for my partner to give me what I needed even though I told him explicitly what he could do.
In hindsight, there was a lot missing: about my development, about his, &, also, about us as a couple.
What it took me A LONG TIME TO realize is this:::: I couldn’t get my needs met by someone else if I couldn’t meet them for myself first.
If I couldn’t love myself & give myself everything that I needed, then there was no way that I could receive the deep love I wanted from my epic love.
If I couldn’t feel safe to in my body to be okay with who I was & to express my deep needs & desires, then I was definitely not going to be able to do that with my sacred union.
If I couldn’t belong & be with myself totally, fully, & in the present moment, then there was no way that I was going to enjoy every single second & every caress & touch when he touched me.
If I couldn’t feel connection to something greater, something bigger, something I didn’t quite understand but I know I have a place in, then I wouldn’t be able to feel the expansiveness & openness that our union blossoms in.
I want you to know that I see you.
I want this for you.
There is so much of this to go around.
People, society, even a deep unhealed emotional block you might be holding is telling you that there’s lack.
Straight up, there’s not.
I’m tearing up as I write this because the rewards are so vast when you get this.
This love that you want to feel in yourself is so close, you may feel it deep in your stomach right now. I do.
How do you get there?
You start exploring who you really are.
Invite me or someone else in to help & it comes faster than you can imagine.
After all, you don’t want to be alone.
I see big big big love for you.
Here’s your invitation to sit it in with me.
In big love,