Our body

I was lucky enough to have two really amazing conversations yesterday.

One with Dr. Frank Anderson interviewing him for the Attract Health Build Wealth podcast episode releasing next week and the other with Dr. Mark Goulston for his Wake Up Call Podcast.

Coincidentally, it came up both times about how amazing our bodies are, but also how we don’t give them the reverence they should really have.

Instead, we use our bodies until they fall apart, or just like a car, until they are “run into the ground”.

One of the hardest parts about this is that we are rewarded by society, by the school system we grow up in, & by our families of origin for doing this.

As it happened with me, I lost my identity through this process & therefore lost connection with my “SELF, “ my true essence, my self-love, & my joy. 

(BTW, if you haven’t read “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van der Kolk, go get it now!)

One of the most impactful things that I’ve learned on my healing journey is learning how to listen to my body again.

If we can heal enough, we can start to open up a portal of communication with our bodies. 

Our bodies are so damn wise - they have been adapting through centuries & centuries of existence & they are really really great at healing IF we give them the space they need to.

I’ve learned to take my body’s cues as an emotional alarm as well as a physical alarm - in fact, more oftentimes than not, just giving myself what I need emotionally has lessened any physical symptoms that my body has presented.

Here’s the ground-breaking thing -  WE DON’T HAVE TO “LIVE WITH” PAIN!

It doesn’t have to be like that. 

Taking steps to heal your emotional trauma will help you start to tune in to your body, to understand what it’s asking for, & to GIVE it & your higher self what it’s asking for.

The best news is, everyone can do it.

It’s just taking the steps to heal.

Connecting to your self-love & self-awareness creates a calm, centered, & aligned way of being in the world. 

We are not as reactive, not as depressed, & can have the emotional space for all of the goodness that life has to offer. 

💗The August Boundaries Meditation in The Healing Circle Community is great for this.

You have it in you.

I see you.

In big love,


Lilli Bewley