Seeking Inner Bliss & A Call Out to You đź’—

Greetings Magnificent Souls,

Welcome to the Attract Health Build Wealth Blog where we have open and honest discussions about ourselves. 

This is a place where we breakdown, breakaway, and breakthrough codependency, allowing ourselves to attract health, build wealth, and live a peaceful life. 

We are tired of being sick and tired. 

We are tired, but we are not giving up. 

We know that there is something magnificent inside of us and because we are fighting daily, hourly, and by the minute: fighting ourselves, our kids, our spouses. We have to do things differently. 

We have to break the cycle. 

We don't have a million chances. We have to be happy NOW. We have to find a way. 

So how do we do that? How is that possible? 

If you look around at what society is telling you, they'll tell you that what we're doing is impossible. Yet it's happening every single day. 

It's happening through the practice and love that we call Awakening the Magnificent Soul. 

We're all Magnificent Souls and these are stories of healing. 

Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about how difficult it really is to really own your self-love, self-worth, self-compassion and self-awareness.

This has been a culmination of a lot of work that I've been doing for a really long time and I finally found the secret to how we can go about seeking inner bliss no matter what your situation, 

Before we get deep into inner bliss, I wanted to see what you, the reader think about the Epiphany Vault.

If you haven’t heard, it's like an online journal or a way to give the universe a little tap there, you can tell me what's going on with you. 

We can talk about the blog, you can remain anonymous and just cast out vibes to the universe if that’s your desire.

I’m wondering, though, if it is as useful to you as it is to me. I haven’t had one entry in the past six blog posts. So if you're listening to this and you'd like to share your feedback about the blog, if you'd like to bring up a subject to cover on a future blog, if you'd like to just let something off your chest, I would really love to hear from you on the Epiphany Vault.

So, seeking inner bliss…..

Why do I think this is important to spend some time on?

The way that I'm thinking about inner bliss is not just happiness; it’s more than happiness. 

It's like it's like a warm joy that exists within you. 

It's like your own personal bright fire that burns only for you. 

It's like living in peace and not waiting until you're dead to rest in peace. 

It's a calm that resides with you whether you're in a shitty situation at home, at work or even in your own mind.

As I mentioned, it’s been a really long road to get to where I am I definitely have hit a lot of roadblocks and frustrations along the way.

I’ve gone through a codependent relationship and I'm working on those codependent tendencies as we speak.

I feel like leading up to this point, I've done everything that all the books and the podcasts and the gurus, I feel like I did everything that they wanted me to do. 

I've read all the self-help books. 

I say affirmations, I write affirmations. 

I read and reread.

Follow the morning routines of millionaires because that's what they do to “be successful.”

I checked everything off the list of what I was supposed to be doing, but I was still frustrated because nothing was working. 

I didn't feel any different. 

I didn't feel quote/unquote “rich” my life just wasn’t manifesting the way that they told me it was going to.

I did vision boards.

Oprah’s book club….

Positive thinking….

On and on and on. 

We're bombarded every day with these different suggestions about what we need to do to “improve our lives,” but I felt like I was seeking something completely unattainable and so out of reach. 

And when I finally reached my breaking point, when I felt like I just couldn't “life anymore.” Something dinged in my head and I realized that my thinking was flawed. 

Here was my epiphany: inner bliss does not come with more money or a good job or looking skinny. It doesn’t come with the perfect boyfriend or the perfect relationship or a master's degree, but the inner bliss that I was seeking was within me.

I had to find a way to water it, to nurture it, to accept it, and to take pride in that inner bliss. 

I know that sounds super cliché, but this was the first big step for me.

And, I can only hope that in me trudging through my life; this can help you spark something inside of you. 

Let’s get real, all of these quotes and inspirational shit that you share on social media. They really mean nothing unless you really believe them. 

And now, I confidently say I believe.

I mean not cerebrally like, “Oh yeah, I believe that” but more like believe: like it's a vibration in your core like you're struck by lightning because of the truth and the conviction of your commitment to you. 

Have a think on this, what are you thinking? At this point, if that sounds super hokey to you, my suggestion is probably just to stop reading because the rest of this won't be any help to you, but if you're interested in what I mean by this and how that it's manifested in myself, read on.

Below, I will get into what I call my Soul Maintenance Plan, but the first step is really owning the fact that you are worth everything you can possibly muster and imagine.

This must be a core, vibrational sensation. 

To be completely forthcoming, this was the missing piece for me. 

No one else is going to give this to you, but you. 

I'm living proof that this inner, knowing, this inner peace, this inner bliss, it can be attained. 

It can be attained even with all of the negativity floating around in the world and all of the negativity that you've had to endure throughout your life. I know, it's constant bombardment. 

Negativity is so smart, given the opportunity, it will creep in and take over your life force.

That’s why soul maintenance is so important.

So the is how I stay in tune with myself and my self-worth and a couple of resources that I tap into to maintain inspiration. 

Caveat: this will probably look different for you and that's okay. 

In my experience, there are two rules to abide by when finding what you should do in your soul maintenance plan. 

Rule #1: Find something you like doing. 

Rule #2: Do it. 

It sounds simple, but for me and for many others that I talk to, most people are missing one or the other.

For me, it was #1, for sure. Because I was completed disconnected to myself, my emotions, my feelings, I didn’t know how to even distinguish what genuinely made me happy.

When you are doing this, please know that this is not a right or wrong type of thing and it may change, but the important thing is to find out what makes you happy and what truly is a vehicle for inner bliss.

Rule #2 is to do it. 

For me, doing it wasn’t my issue, but I know it is for a lot of people. I’ve talked to people who would procrastinate or de-prioritize this.

Like I said, I did everything. I spent time and money and energy, checking off the list of things that people told me that I needed to do. So the execution wasn't the issue for me. But the first one, which is finding what it is for you, that was where I was missing.

Okay! Thanks for reading this far and I really hope that we’re connecting to what it means for soul maintenance. 

Next, I’m going to share with you what I work on daily to maintain and achieve peace and inner bliss. 

After I've finished laying out my formula, I will challenge you to add these two soul tenants to your day. And these are absolutely essential to get you on the right path towards bliss-itude (bliss altitude). 

My Soul Maintenance Formula


  1. Wake up, say Thank You.
  2. Morning walk with my dogs. (The length of time is dependent on my schedule for the day.)
  3. Meditate. (I spend some time in quiet stillness with my brain and am training myself to keep calm and be one with myself and my body.)
  4. Exercise.
  5. Organize Home & Tidy Up.
  6. Read. (Always learning.)
  7. Eat breakfast.
  8. At night, I do something creative for a brief time, like adult coloring books. Some like to paint. My suggestion is do something you would like to do for creativity and an outlet to express yourself creatively.
  9. Lastly, I close out the day with a journal entry. (To be completely transparent, this was a big hang up for me for a long time. I resisted this because I “hated writing” or “I didn’t know what to say.” Now, I know how important this is so if I don’t know what to write, I’ll write letters to my loved ones. I’ll write out affirmations. ANYTHING is good here, trust me.)


So, there you have it, the 9 things I use daily to keep my soul maintained. 

If you’re overwhelmed, that is completely normal and okay. You’re not alone.

In fact, if you’re a lot like I was, you prioritize other things in your life, with your day to day living.

Especially parents.

Hear me now, I cannot emphasize this enough, if you don't stake out time with yourself and be consistent, you will revert back to your old ways of mind-confusion, dysfunction, and into that state of negativity and inner turmoil.

So, if you’ve read this far, it's my assumption that you want to achieve a true inner peace and inner happiness and inner bliss. 

And I congratulate you for actually making that conscious decision now. 

It's such a powerful thing when you can own up to the way you feel.

Here’s my call out and challenge to you:

For one month, make it YOUR PRIORITY, like you have an important errand to run like your life depended on it: Spend 10 minutes on your mind and 100 words on paper EVERY DAY for 30 days.

Every day for one month, spend 10 minutes in quiet meditation. *This does not have to be perfect every time. Don’t give up. You’ll know what I mean when you get into it. Just do it.*

And, 100 words on paper, in a journal every day.

I encourage you to pull out a journal, like a real life pen and paper.

100 words, that’s all.

If you’re freaking out about what you’re going to write, I had someone encourage me one time to just write out blah blah blah blah blah. 

Or if you want to write out affirmations like I am worth it, which I did a couple of days ago. 

Do that for, for 100 words.

You will see, this practice will really hone in on giving your mind an outlet to think. Instead of all of those thoughts and emotions of shame and fear going on in your head,

You'll learn to put it down on paper. 

So my challenge to you is 10 minutes on your mind, 100 words on paper for 30 days and I'm going to do this with you and then we'll check in after the 30 days and I promise you that the vibrational tone of your body, it will be different and this will be something that you will be able to feel. 

It is palatable.

Here’s a tip: I use the Headspace meditation app. It’s super awesome, guided meditation sequences. You can set the time and it’s FREE. 

On a side note, if you haven’t read Eckhart Tolle’s books: The Power of Now & A New Earth, get them. I’ve read each of these about 5 times and always go back to them every 3 months or so. I get something new every time and it really is like a roadmap to my soul.

Good luck!

Let me know how it goes. 

I'm excited to just excited to get this out there and there might be a change that right now is not the right time for you, and that’s okay.

But if you find yourself wanting more, peace, bliss, take me up on this for 30 days. I promise you will feel differently.

That’s soul maintenance basics.

Let me know how you’re feeling at the Epiphany Vault.

I would love for one of you to be my first entry as I really think this is a great outlet, but I'm not quite sure yet because no one has entered anything yet. 

I just want to thank you.

We are all Magnificent Souls.

We're here to do this together and we are all a work in process. 

Livin’ & Lovin,’


Lilli Bewley