Stuck in past & future

It’s VERY clear how being stuck in the past or future affects our lives. 

In fact, I would venture to say that reliving how it hurt in the past or worrying about what the future might bring is your natural state.

At least right now.

That was so me. 

There were times when I didn’t even know it.

I wasn’t “woke” yet; I was still sleeping.

But here’s how it played out:

If I didn’t think that I was on their mind (especially in romantic relationships), I would be worried that they were going to leave me or that I wasn’t enough.

If they paid attention to anyone else, I was worried that it meant they were cheating on me.

If I didn’t feel appreciated ALL THE TIME, I felt like I had to keep doing (& doing, & doing), being on their radar, or have some (any kind!) of attention to remain relevant.

Hey past & future, nice to meet you.

This is what it feels like when we haven’t healed our limiting patterns yet.

We feel disconnected.

Far away from the present moment.

And way way way way detached from our intuition.

We find it hard to accept who we are & receive limitless love because the blocks haven’t been cleared yet.

When you make room & heal, you start to feel the present creep in, little by little, & reconnect with your true, loving self.

As you do, the love that you feel inside is radiated outside of you so that you can start to receive the limitless love that you deserve.

A love that is so present, grounding, safe, supportive, & whole.

The kicker, healing your limiting patterns takes support.

The support that you’ve always wanted.

Healing is for you. 

I see you.

Let’s do it together.

In big love,


Lilli Bewley