Taking charge
When did we lose our agency?
When did we lose our ability to make the right choices for us?
When did being in charge of our lives mean being “pushy”?
Or angry?
Or controlling?
Or needy?
When we aren’t in charge of our lives, it feels like things happen TO US instead of FOR US.
It feels like we are the SUPPORT, not the STAR.
It feels like we are OBSERVING, not PARTICIPATING.
A few times of feeling like this & the emotional anxiety is our driver rather than our true self & our true intuition.
And internalizing what we did wrong or how it’s our fault becomes our default.
Or, we start to think & believe things that don’t serve us & limit us.
Like, how can I mold myself into what he wants to be loved?
Like, I have to keep my feelings to myself.
Like, confrontation (or as one of my coaches likes to say, clarification) is scary because they might leave.
Do you see how slowly we can drift away from our intuition?
Do you see how making decisions from the place of fear makes us feel like we aren’t in charge of our life?
Healing our limiting patterns helps us take charge of our lives.
Healing helps us understand what we are searching for, from a root cause level, and brings those limiting patterns to a place of closure.
Healing brings all of the limitless love in our lives from our relationships, from ourselves, & from our true expressions of our deepest selves.
And from there, we are actualized.
We attract the love & connection that we’ve always wanted.
I think most of us know that it’s an inside job & that’s what healing our limiting patterns is.
It’s a homecoming & it’s something that we all can do & it’s something that we all deserve.
Love ya.
In big love,