The Control Series: Part 5

Today, Part 5 of a 10 part series all focused on control. Specifically, today, I wanted to talk about something that I’m calling shame transference. Basically, the way it so easy for us to feel other’s shame even when they may not feel it themselves, what that looks like, and a little bit about what that has to do with control.

Don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this post, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future podcasts at

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Lilli Bewley
The Control Series: Part 4

Today, Part 4 of a 10 part series all focused on control. Specifically, today, a little bit about the codependent trait of absorbing other’s responsibilities and making them your own.

Don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this post, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future posts at

Remember, you can share anonymously; it is a safe place and I would welcome the discussion.

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Lilli Bewley
The Control Series: Part 3

Today, Part 3 of a 10 part series all focused on control. Today, I wanted to discuss abuse in a broad sense right now. Now that I think about it, I may do another series on the different types of abuse, but today, I wanted to cover abuse and it’s relationship to control.

But, before we get into the discussion, don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this post, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future posts at

Remember, you can share anonymously; it is a safe place and I would welcome the discussion.

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Lilli Bewley
The Control Series: Part 2

 Today, Part 2 of a 10 part series all focused on control. Today, specifically, I wanted to talk about prioritizing others and other’s needs before yours and explore a little bit about what that has to do with control.

Don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this post, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future posts at

Remember, you can share anonymously; it is a safe place and I would welcome the discussion.

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Lilli Bewley
The Control Series: Part 1

Part 1 of a 10 part series all focused on control. Today, specifically, in reference to confrontation and how that plays out in a codependent scenario and maybe some triggers or warning signs you may see in yourself or in others.

But, before we get into the discussion, don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this episode, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future podcasts at

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Lilli Bewley
Leveling Up ⬆️

I have been thinking a lot lately about leveling up, about getting better in every aspect of my life and why, if I’m honest, I might feel tremendous weight (like debilitating weight) when actually trying to take the steps that will help me get there. So, I wanted to talk today about that and perhaps some strategies that have been working for me to give myself the best the I deserve, even though I’m not used to it, or I’m trained not to.

But, before we get into the discussion, don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this episode, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future blogs at

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Lilli Bewley
Let's Talk About Sex

 Today a super personal and sensitive topic for me that has been showing up and showing out. That’s sex and what does it have to do with codependency.

 Don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this post, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future podcasts at the

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Lilli Bewley
Why Resolutions Are Bunk⚡️

 Today, New Year’s Resolutions and why I think resolutions are bunk.

But, before we get into the discussion, don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this post, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future podcasts at the

Remember, you can share anonymously; it is a safe place and I would welcome the discussion.

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Lilli Bewley
I don't need _______ to validate me.

Today, an epiphany that I had recently that has completely transformed my way of thinking.

Don’t forget to let me know your thoughts about this episode, any feedback you have, or anything you’d like me to cover on future podcasts at 

Remember, you can share anonymously; it is a safe place and I would welcome the discussion.

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Lilli Bewley